Holland Tunnel Rotary
Ericsson Place, New York
Members of Studio 5 Partnership designed the landscape as part of The Port Authority of NY & NJ team to beautify and reconfigure the Holland Tunnel Rotary in New York.

Our responsibilities included selecting the planting materials and designing pedestrian areas including paving, benches, and fences. In addition, members of Studio 5 were responsible for the design and details of the irrigation system.
A presentation with plant materials and landscape Architectural items were prepared for a community meeting. Our staff worked closely with the Port Authority engineers to make this important portal to the city an outstanding design experience. We also were responsible for the preparation of cost estimates and specifications.
A presentation with plant materials and landscape Architectural items were prepared for a community meeting. Our staff worked closely with the Port Authority engineers to make this important portal to the city an outstanding design experience. We also were responsible for the preparation of cost estimates and specifications.