Retail/Residential Mixed-Use Project
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
The developer selected Studio 5 Partnership to design a mixed-use retail and residential project on the former Kem Manufacturing site on the corner of Maple Avenue and River Road. The site abuts a residential district and is currently all industrial, which creates the potential to design a Gateway to Fair Lawn.

Studio 5 worked with Weissman Engineering to develop the Master Plan which was presented to the River Road Improvement Association and gained their whole-hearted support.
The project requires the complete demolition of the existing industrial use building and replace with three single story retail structures totaling 20,900 square feet. The retail structures are located on the front portion of the site but are kept well back from the intersection to allow a plaza-like feeling with landscape and a pylon sign to identify the project and create the entrance to Fair Lawn. The rear portion of the site, opposite the existing single family residential units, will be 64 units in two buildings and will total 86,300 square feet.